
Világosítással (elsősorban színházi) kapcsolatos anyagok, valamint napló jegyzetek

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Friss topikok

  • ProDooorina: Szeretem a blogot! :) (egy leendő kollegina,színpadtechnikusnak tanulok :)) ) (2013.03.09. 21:07) A színpadi világítás funkciói
  • csontosbal: "u.i. mai marosvásárhelyi beszólás: "add be 15-öst kukac 5." :DDD" :DDDDDD (2012.04.19. 10:41) ETC kavalkád
  • csontosbal: Hát nem unatkoztok..Milyen fesztivál van nálatok most? (2012.04.01. 09:58) Fesztivál 1. nap
  • csontosbal: :-)) (2012.03.08. 22:35) Esőben
  • csontosbal: persze, persze.. (2012.02.18. 20:20) Bemutatóra kész

2013.09.06. 13:45 Dimmerkobold

LED matrix fixture

Elidy the movie from Chromlech on Vimeo.

Valami ilyesmi lesz a jövő szerintem...

Elidy is nothing less than the world's first LED matrix fixture capable of projecting volumetric graphics! Elidy combines high-output, calibrated, warm white LEDs with specific optics to generate extremely narrow beams that far exceed the intensity of LED screens.
Elidy is a matrix of 5 x 5 very high power Leds, driven by state of the art electronics to provide the world's first LED wall capable of projecting light. Its output exceeds that of standard Led sceens and can be used to provide  rojection effects. It is modular in form, based around a single projector of 25 Leds (1 sq.ft), wich can be assembled to form up to 225 Leds (1 sq/m) and arranged into screens, columns, or any including angled forms.



Elidy-S Elidy-Big Elidy-Wall



Astonishing dimming capability

Due to its revolutionary LED driver design, Elidy is the only product of its kind to offer perfectly smooth dimming over the complete dimming range. Elidy's patented system implements proprietary wide-range, ultra-fine dimming that allows extremely smooth dimming over 100,000 imperceivable steps with absolutely no cut out or stepping when fading up or down. ElidyÕs dimming mimics traditional tungsten sources in a way that makes it perfectly  suitable for use in theatre or studio alike where such high LED dimming quality is necessary.


Data management through ArtNet !

Elidy implements a very advanced, though intuitive and user-friendly, pixel-mapping interface that makes it perfect for creating truly funky animations, from the simplest to the most complex. Data management is handled using conventional DMX daisy-chaining, but also, more unusually, via unique ArtNet daisy-chaining which is both simpler and faster than conventional star-shape cabling.



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